RECAP: Global Running Day 2023
RIDC celebrated Global Running Day for the second year with an industry-wide campaign centering racial justice.
Challenge: Erasure/lack of representation of racial diversity in promotions for Global Running Day. The racial part of diversity is often overlooked, but that is exactly why the RIDC exists. The #GlobalRunningDay hashtag on social media, since the first celebration in 2016, displays an underrepresentation of BIPOC runners and groups.
Solution: Mobilize the running industry to collectively center racial equity in their Global Running Day content.
Additional Goals for 2023:
This year we are added two more goals to our Global Running Day initiative:
Running a combined 1,350 miles through the RIDC club on Strava on June 7, representative of the over 135 million BIPOC in the US (US Census, 2022) that we do this work for.
Raise at least $1,350 throughout the month of June, for the advancement of the RIDC’s mission. Donate here, no donation is too small or too big!
Result: Dozens of brands, retailers, clubs, events, and individuals showed UP to help us diversify the #GlobalRunningDay hashtag on social media. We surpassed our goal of 1350 miles ran through the RIDC club on Strava! We are still working on our $1,350 donation goal for the entire month of June.
We’ll see you next year for the another campaign. See below for images from the RIDC community on social.
From the #Running4Diversity hashtag on June 7th/Global Running Day 2023
‘Our stories, experiences and talents are powerful: we deserve to be seen.’
Remember- our second goal is still live, help us raise at least $1,350 throughout the month of June, for the advancement of the RIDC’s mission. Donate here, no donation is too small or too big!