Voices of Impact: Reflections from the RIDC Scholarship Recipients at The Running Event (TRE) 2024

Over the past three years, the RIDC's presence at TRE has flourished, reflecting our commitment to BIPOC growth and opportunity within the running industry. This year, we were proud to once again provide full scholarships to BIPOC retail employees, leaders, and owners, thanks to TRE and On.

These scholarships offer a unique chance to expand industry knowledge, build connections, and gain valuable insights to advance careers and drive meaningful change. Meet the recipients below and some of their reflections from TRE 2024!

Cedric Morton Fleet Feet

Kylie Hoke Fleet Feet

Aminat Balogun Fleet Feet

Angelica Francis Garcia Fleet Feet

Angela Brooks Playmakers

Tasha Young Playmakers

Adriane D. Hoke Fleet Feet

NaSeemah Palmer Vivid Belle Wellness

Kelly O'Cadiz Pacers Running

Yves Capitaine Jr Gazelle Sports

Jussica 'Jeri' Hogue Southwest Runners

Eugene Hogue Southwest Runners

Harry Chandler Charlotte Running Company

Naim Bell Charlotte Running Company

Elizabeth (Lizzie) McCadd West Stride

Carol McCadd Naperville Running Company

Urie Dvorozniak (They/Them) Fleet Feet

Natisha Shannon The Exchange Collective

Carol Holland RUN THE BLOCK

Jesse Holland RUN THE BLOCK

Joy Hunt Elite Feet

Jason Hunt Elite Feet

William Fermo 3 Bros Running

Jeremy Fermo 3 Bros Running

How has receiving a full scholarship to attend TRE—either this year or in previous years—impacted you personally and professionally?

  • Receiving this scholarship has allowed me to connect and make very meaningful connections with a number of people. I have also been able to take some things back to our store to change the culture for the better along with challenging the practices we have in store.

  • The scholarship has given me the opportunity to meet with new vendors. As a result, it has increased our selection of products to offer our customers. Meeting with the vendors face to face, visually seeing and talking about the products and receiving TRE discounts has been helpful.

  • Topics during the workshops were instrumental. Speakers sharing their stories, accomplishments, ideas, mistakes, knowledge and experiences gave me insight. Example: I heard in one of the workshops the speaker said, "If an apparel doesn't sell within 2 months, put it on sale." With the information I learned, I put some apparel on sale after I returned from Austin. I have sold more apparel this month than previous months. Usually, I wouldn't put the apparel on sale until the season changes or 6 mos.

Has attending TRE influenced your career or academic aspirations? If so, in what ways?

  • TRE has definitely influenced and created a joy within the running space.

  • Attending TRE reinforces what I want to be in the industry. I want to innovate. I want to succeed. I want to be a leader that helps guides others.

  • It has just solidified my position that having a person of color in a leadership position is important and I need to continue doing what I'm doing.

What was the most valuable aspect of attending TRE for you?

  • I learned the value in just being myself and not overthinking the mission and message I have to deliver to the people using running as a means of healing. I plan on showing up as a my full self , ask questions & ask for what you need because you never know who is willing to help you. I learned how Black people are needed in this space and it motivated me to keep going.

  • A new skill I took away was intentional response. We have an audience now and embracing different perspectives and responding in intentional ways is important when considering different audience; teeing things up in a way that the majority can understand and connect to. I plan to apply these in all future industry meetings. I can have a stance and a belief and still package it with full integrity without arming or minimizing.

If you could share one message with the RIDC staff, board, and/or donors about your experience at TRE 2024, what would it be? 

  • I love everything that the RIDC is doing and especially challenge the running industry to shine light and give resources to our underrepresented communities and continuously create meaningful connections.

  • RIDC has once again done phenomenal with their program. The fact they have created a space for US when there really has not been one is great. Being able to be supported while being your authentic self and make meaningful connections in the running industry is amazing. The RIDC is so supportive and is changing the game!!!!

  • Please never stop this program. We need to see it to believe it to achieve it. I saw people of color leading programs, creating authentic spaces, directing companies and it makes me feel like what I want to achieve is very much within reach and not just a goal or dream.


A Love Letter to BIPOC Runners and Employees


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